Meet Robert, Chair of Deafblind UK who’s about to run the London Marathon!

Photo of Robert and Tim, standing infront of a river. Robert wears a purple t-shirt with the Deafblind UK logo and Tim wears a bright green t-shirt. Both are smiling and look like they have been training for their marathon.


I’m Robert, I’m 66, deafblind, Chair of Deafblind UK and about to run the London Marathon – what could possibly go wrong?

I’ve always been a keen runner and having a 70% hearing loss didn’t really impact this. That was until I lost the last of my useful sight in 2020. Things got a bit more tricky after that.

I now run with a guide runner and I’m very grateful to a group of local runners who all support me. My good friend Tim will be joining me to run the London Marathon and we are training hard for the big day. At age 66, I’ve also had my fair share of injuries so I’m keeping everything crossed that I make it in one piece!

Deafblind UK is a charity very close to my heart, not least because of the truly amazing work they do but also because I have volunteered with them for 25 years and am currently the Chair. I have witnessed the impact that they have on people’s lives first hand. I know I am one of the lucky ones, and that they support so many in greater need than I am.

Here are some of the ways you can help someone, by sponsoring me:

£5 could pay for us to help one more person via our helpline

£10 could pay for someone to receive two befriending calls each month

£20 could buy someone a technical support session, helping them to access the outside world and re-connect with friends and family

£50 will provide a counselling session with one of our trained therapists

£100 will provide a helpline operator for one day

Thank You!

Donate and support Robert by clicking here!

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