Information and advice

Whether you have lived with sight and hearing loss for a while or it is new to you, Deafblindness can be difficult to understand. The information below will help you to understand deafblindness and how to make the most of life with sight and hearing loss.

What is Usher Syndrome?

Usher syndrome is an inherited disorder which impacts sight and hearing. This happens due to mutations in specific genes that…

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two women talking at a table

What is clear speech?

Clear speech is all about making use of both hearing and sight. It is not an exact process and requires…

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Ven diagram showing hearing loss in one circle, sight loss in another and deafblindness in the middle

What is deafblindness?

Deafblindness is the loss of sight and hearing to the point where your communication, mobility and ability to access information…

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Identifying Deafblindness

Thousands of people in the UK are living with sight and hearing loss, but how can you tell whether you,…

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Covid-19 and deafblindness

If you are worried about Coronavirus (COVID-19) and how it will impact you and your family, we are here. Talk…

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The spectrum of deafblindness (video)

Find out how deafblindness affects people in lots of different ways.

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father and son playing on the floor

Living with deafblindness

Deafblindness affects everyone in different ways. This will depend on the nature of your sight and hearing loss; what has…

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Two people walking

Getting around

Canes Lots of people who are visually impaired use a cane to help them when they’re out and about. Canes…

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Red and white canes

If you see a person with a completely white cane, this will usually mean they are blind, or visually impaired….

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Young man talking on the phone


There are many different ways that people who are deafblind communicate, rather than one standard method. The way that you…

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The deafblind manual alphabet (video)

Some people who have sight and hearing loss use ‘deafblind manual’ to communicate. It’s really easy to learn, as this…

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Hands on sign language (video)

Some people who are deafblind use a form of sign language called ‘Hands on sign language’. Here, Johnboy and Heather…

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Giant playing cards

Deafblind Life Hacks

Our many years’ experience supporting people living with deafblindness has shown us that sometimes it’s the little things that make…

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A middle aged man wearing glasses, smiling

Live better with sight and hearing loss (download)

Download this useful guide to find out how you can live better with sight and hearing loss. If you’re experiencing…

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elderly lady sitting next to young woman looking at a magazine

Your rights

Deafblind Assessment If sight and hearing loss affects your mobility, communication or ability to access information, and you live in…

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Person getting eye test

Registering your Sight Loss

If your sight loss is severe then you may want to register as ‘sight impaired’ or ‘severely sight impaired’. This…

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Using a magnifier

Understanding Sight Loss

Almost 2 million people in the UK have some sort of sight loss and 360,000 are registered as visually impaired….

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A man and a woman sitting on a sofa, talking

Understanding Hearing Loss

Around 11 million people in the UK have some sort of hearing loss and most of us will notice that…

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Monday – Thursday 9.00am – 5.00pm and Fridays 9.00am – 4.00pm

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