Support for children and young people

Deafblindness can affect people at any age. If you or your child are affected by deafblindness then we can help. In addition to our support services, we also work closely with partner organisations to give children and young people support and strength to live with sight and hearing loss.

Usher Kids UK

Support for children and young people Deafblind UKUsher Kids UK was established in 2017 by the parent of a child with Usher syndrome. The organisation addresses the challenges faced by children and young people who have been diagnosed with Usher Syndrome.

They provide support, information, connections and advocacy to empower children, young people and their families living with Usher syndrome in the UK.

Usher Kids UK offers 1:1 and other forms of support to family members from diagnosis onwards. They can give you tailored resources which address the specific challenges faced by children, young people and their families living with Usher syndrome. They connect children, young people and family members with each other and with professionals that can support them. They also work closely with other organisations to champion the needs of our community and improve the services available to them.

To get in touch, visit: or email: [email protected]


Look’s unique mentoring scheme links their team of young, trained VI mentors with younger peers for support and advice. Mentors draw on their own life experiences to guide younger VI people through life challenges: managing sudden sight loss; social isolation; confidence building; coping with school and transitions; independent living and mobility; work skills. They can work with you to create a bespoke package of support, including mentors and mentees who have a hearing as well as a visual impairment. Look’s mentoring is divided into different strands of support:

  • Generic peer mentoring for helping with all aspects of life with a VI
  • University mentoring
  • Career mentoring

For more information, visit:


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Open Hand Magazine

Open Hand is our free, quarterly magazine containing articles and information that are tailored specifically to people with dual sensory loss.

There are very few publications designed for this specific market and so Open Hand gives its readers valuable information that they may not otherwise have known and reminds readers about Deafblind UK’s support services.

Prefer to talk?

Call us on 0800 132320 or text us 07903572885
Monday – Thursday 9.00am – 5.00pm and Fridays 9.00am – 4.00pm

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