A dream come true for Georgia, The London Marathon!

Georgia with brown curly hair, smiling as she takes a selfie in her Scout uniform!

I’ve always enjoyed being outdoors and when at University I found running to be a great escape from lecture halls and libraries.

During University I ran my first 10k, half marathon and then my first marathon in my University city of York. Running was a way for me to relax and procrastinate from revision for finals! Shortly after the York marathon, I moved into Ultramarathons, which I loved. However unfortunately I found myself getting multiple injuries and had to take a break from running.

I graduated from medical school in 2019 and moved back home to start my first job as a Doctor. It was not long before I found running helpful in managing the stress of work, as well as getting to know new people through a local running club. Running was also a form of exercise I could still access during the pandemic. This time was incredibly challenging and once again the fresh air (as well as wind, rain and snow!) was a helpful way for me to manage the emotional challenges of covid.

A dream come true for Georgia, The London Marathon! Deafblind UK

Outside of work, I am involved with Scouting. I was an Explorer Scout myself before becoming an adult leader. I now volunteer at a National level, as well as in my local Group. It is through Scouting that I met Carolyn, giving me the opportunity to ‘Run London’ and raise funds for such an amazing charity.

The London Marathon has always been a dream for me. Like many others, I have been unsuccessful in the ballot many times. I am incredibly grateful for this opportunity and very excited for the day. Training is going well so far. The weather over the last couple of months has not been kind, but Carolyn and I have been following our plans. I’m also balancing the training alongside my chaotic rota of night shifts and on-calls, which has been challenging!

I can’t wait to hit that start line in April and to see how much Carolyn and I can raise. If you can spare anything at all, please take a look at our joint fundraising page linked below!

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