
If you want to find out more about Deafblind UK or how to live better with sight and hearing loss then why not join one of our events. See below for more details.

TechTalk webinar: Humanware

Virtual event

Join us for a free, virtual webinar with Deafblind UK and Humanware! This event is on the 18th May 2023, from 11am until 12pm. Please click here to register online. You can also call us on 0800 132320 or email to book your free ticket. This virtual event will be held on Zoom.   About Humanware ... Read more

TechTalk webinar: GetSafeOnline

Virtual event

Join us for a free, virtual webinar with Deafblind UK and GetSafeOnline! This event is on the 22nd June 2023, from 11am until 12pm. Please click here to register online. You can also call us on 0800 132320 or email to book your free ticket. This virtual event will be held on Zoom.   About Paul ... Read more

TechTalk webinar: Dolphin Software

Virtual event

Join us for a free, virtual webinar with Deafblind UK and Dolphin Software! This event is on the 20th July 2023, from 11am until 12pm. Please click here to register online. You can also call us on 0800 132320 or email to book your free ticket. This virtual event will be held on Zoom.   About ... Read more

TechTalk webinar: Xrai Glass

Virtual event

Join us for a free, virtual webinar with Deafblind UK and Xrai Glass! This event is on the 14th September 2023, from 11am until 12pm. Please click here to register online. You can also call us on 0800 132320 or email to book your free ticket. This virtual event will be held on Zoom.   About ... Read more

Sight Village South West, sponsored by Deafblind UK

Sandy Park Stadium, Exeter Sandy Park Stadium, Sandy Park Way,, Exeter, United Kingdom

The Sight Village events, sponsored by Deafblind UK, take place across the country throughout the year and are the UK’s leading exhibitions for blind and partially sighted people and for those experiencing sight problems. They are hugely popular events, giving people with sight loss and professionals working in the sector, the chance to find out about the latest technology, products and services such as daily living equipment, mobility aids, education and training opportunities and leisure services.

Charity Super.Mkt Ft Deafblind UK – @Bluewater Kent

Bluewater Bluewater Shopping Centre, Greenhithe, Kent, United Kingdom

What's it all about? Fashion  Pre-loved re-styled  Every pound is a good pound  Join us at Bluewater shopping centre from 28 September - 05 November for an exclusive shopping experience. With an in-house DJ, you can shop in style and create your unique fashion style by repurposing the clothing and accessories on offer. Deafblind UK ... Read more

Deafblind Conference 2023

Virtual event

Join us for the Deafblind Conference 2023, an online event where world class speakers will be discussing the wider impact of deafblindness and how it affects the people around you.

TES SEND Show 2023

Business Design Centre 52 Upper Street, London, United Kingdom

As the UK's largest show in the sector, the Tes SEND Show brings together expertise from across the sector to help you bring learning alive for pupils with SEND. The Tes SEND Show is for everyone involved in education, particularly special educational needs education. Through a rich mix of content spread across two days, you ... Read more


Sight Village South East, sponsored by Deafblind UK

Kensington Town Hall Kensington Town Hall, Hornton Street, London, London, United Kingdom

The Sight Village events take place across the country throughout the year and are the UK’s leading exhibitions for blind and partially sighted people and for those experiencing sight problems. They are hugely popular events, giving people with sight loss and professionals working in the sector, the chance to find out about the latest technology, products and services such as daily living equipment, mobility aids, education and training opportunities and leisure services.

TalkTech – VisionAid

Virtual event

VisionAid is a family-run business specialising in low vision and blindness products. Product Manager, Ellis Ellis has kindly agreed to provide a demonstration on VisionAid’s most interesting products and also give us a glimpse at any new devices on the market!

TalkTech – Dolphin

Virtual event

Oliver Crane from Dolphin has kindly agreed to provide a demonstration on all things GuideConnect – the Windows based magnification and screen reader software suitable for all levels of deafblindness. Oliver will show you how to use GuideConnect in every day scenarios, from reading an email to using your TV!

TechTalk – Synapptic

Virtual event

Synapptic specialises in screen reading software to support people with sight loss. Adrian from Synapptic will go through the use of Snyapptic on various devices to carry out every day activities. This is a virtual event hosted on Zoom. Find the link below.

Prefer to talk?

Call us on 0800 132320 or text us 07903572885
Monday – Thursday 9.00am – 5.00pm and Fridays 9.00am – 4.00pm

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We would love to keep in touch with you to keep you up to date about our work.