This winter, we’re working to reduce isolation amongst people affected by sight and hearing loss.
Our Winter Wellness campaign features Deafblind UK member Stuart, from North Wales, who is facing the first winter on his own since losing his sight, and his beloved wife who passed away earlier this year. It is designed to raise awareness of combined sight and hearing loss and much needed income to support people affected by deafblindness who find the winter particularly difficult.
Stuart said: “I’ve never liked the winter anyway, and losing my sight has made it a lot worse to cope with. I dread the darker months as the nights are so long and lonely, and the daylight hours are a lot duller. I can’t even see to adjust the central heating.”
In response to this growing need, we have recently launched a ‘Winter Wellness’ programme. The new programme is designed to reduce feelings of isolation and loneliness that are exacerbated during the winter.
“I reached out to Deafblind UK because I was feeling very low, and the season definitely brings on extra anxieties. I now receive regular calls from Hayley in the charity’s counselling team, who is wonderful. She talks to me about anything I want to talk about, and I know I can turn to her if I need to “I know Deafblind UK are there for me when I need them.” Continued Stuart.
Amanda Easton, Emotional and Wellbeing Coordinator said: “Winter is especially difficult for people like Stuart, who find that the change in daylight hours and weather limits opportunities to be outside and to do the things they enjoy. Lots of our members have night-blindness, meaning their sight loss affects them more when it’s dark. Fewer daylight hours and darker evenings mean that these people have less sight for a longer period of the day. This can be physically and emotionally challenging. We want our members to know that we’re here to help, whether they’re just finding things difficult and need emotional support, or whether they need practical advice or signposting.”
The new service is available to anyone affected by sight and hearing loss, and their families and carers. It runs from 28th October 2024 to 28th February 2025 and includes:
- Extended helpline hours: The Deafblind UK helpline will be open between 9am and 7pm Monday to Thursday, and until 6pm on a Friday. Anyone affected by sight and hearing loss is welcome to contact the helpline for a friendly chat if they’re feeling lonely or isolated.
- Winter Befrienders: Members can request weekly contact from a befriender to provide extra social interaction through the winter.
- Christmas Day and Boxing Day calls: Deafblind UK members can request contact from the team on Christmas Day or Boxing Day, should they find themselves alone over the festive period.
- Additional telephone and video groups: A range of extra support groups give people the chance to socialise from the comfort of their own home.
- Informative factsheets: Downloadable resources will be available from, proving advice on how to manage sight and hearing loss during winter, keeping active and seasonal entertainment ideas.
Deafblind UK’s Head of Charitable Services, Mike Wycherley, said: “Your support can keep our helpline open for longer, to be a vital lifeline on the difficult, dark evenings. It can create human connections through our virtual deafblind social groups. And, it can reduce isolation by funding a Christmas or Boxing Day wellbeing call to a person who is deafblind.” To support the campaign, visit:
Deafblind UK supports anyone affected by sight and hearing loss, including families and carers. To access support, contact their helpline on:
Tel: 0800 132320
Text: 07903572885
Text relay: 18001 then 0800 132320