Enola Cuffe is running the London Marathon for Deafblind UK

Enola Cuffe standing outdoors in a garden.

Enola Cuffe from London is running the London Marathon 2023 for Deafblind UK!

Enola is a Trusts fundraising officer at Deafblind UK, and she’s running the London Marathon to raise awareness for deafblindness, which affects over 450,000 people across the UK.

Running the London Marathon has always been on Enola’s ‘bucket list’ – so when the opportunity presented itself, she went for it! “I’ve always wanted to run the London Marathon, and having the opportunity to run it for a cause I truly care about makes it even more important to me. I know the money I’m raising is going to an incredible cause,” she said.

Through her role in our fundraising team, Enola knows first-hand what a lifeline Deafblind UK’s services are for people living with deafblindness. “I’m passionate about the cause – it makes it easier for me to train as I know what a difference my fundraising will make for people living with deafblindness,” she said.

Enola has some exciting and creative fundraising plans, including a sustainable clothes-swapping event and connecting with local businesses. Her family are also organising fundraising events to support Enola’s efforts – so watch this space!

With the marathon date approaching, Enola’s training is progressing well: “I know that when I go for a run I will never regret a training session and this pushes me to go on days that I am struggling.” She’s also using the Runna app on her phone, which has made planning her training schedule a breeze.

Outside of work and marathon training, Enola is passionate about fashion, cooking and baking.

You can show your support by donating on Enola’s Enthuse page.

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