Support for carers

If you care, we care!

If you look after or care for someone who has sight and hearing loss, it can be physically and mentally draining. You are their eyes and ears, their guide and often, their voice. Perhaps you are taking on their feelings, anxieties and emotions as well as your own, perhaps you worry about their mental and physical wellbeing. We can give you space, comfort and reassurance and help you to feel more like you. We care about carers!

How we help

  • Helpline – Our friendly, accessible helpline is available five days a week to answer any questions you and your family might have

Call us: 0800 132 320
Text us: 07950 008870
Email us: [email protected]
Text relay: 18001 then 0800 132320
Click here for BSL video relay

  • Remote friendship groups – Our remote friendship groups give you the opportunity to socialise with other carers of deafblind people and discuss real issues with people who are in a similar situation. These take place every other Friday from 2 – 3pm.
  • Telephone befriending service – Our telephone befriending service is specifically for those who care for people who are deafblind. We can introduce you to a friendly volunteer for regular chats and support
  • Six-week support service – Our six-week support service gives you emotional support to help you through particularly tough times. Due to Covid-19, we are offering this via telephone or video call at the moment
  • Counselling service – If you are going through a particularly difficult time then our counselling service can help you to understand your emotions and make sense of what’s going on. Due to Covid-19, we are offering this via telephone or video call at the moment
  • Carers Facebook Group – Our Facebook group, Deafblind UK – for carers, gives you the chance to connect with other carers of people who are deafblind in a safe, private online environment. Click here to join the group. 
  • Technology support – We can help you to use the latest technology to stay connected and access online services to make your life a little bit easier
  • Holidays – Book a stay in one of our self catering caravans to relax and unwind. Holidays are available in Norfolk and North Wales, at heavily reduced rates
  • Open Hand – Our quarterly magazine, Open Hand, is free for carers and contains useful and interesting information for people who have sight and hearing loss
  • Christmas and birthday wishes – It’s the small things that count! We can contact you at Christmas or on your birthday to remind you that someone is thinking of you

Get support and keep in touch…

If you care for someone who has sight and hearing loss, you can join Deafblind UK free of charge and access all of the above services.


You can also sign up to receive our regular email newsletter. 

Get in touch to find out more

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Open Hand Magazine

Open Hand is our free, quarterly magazine containing articles and information that are tailored specifically to people with dual sensory loss.

There are very few publications designed for this specific market and so Open Hand gives its readers valuable information that they may not otherwise have known and reminds readers about Deafblind UK’s support services.

Prefer to talk?

Call us on 0800 132320 or text us 07903572885
Monday – Thursday 9.00am – 5.00pm and Fridays 9.00am – 4.00pm

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