Helping David through the Pandemic

An old man in a garden

David suffers from tinnitus and his sight is deteriorating. This, coupled with other health issues, including celiac disease, means that David often finds things more difficult than he used to.

David has enjoyed a varied career, including spending 10 years as an electrician in the Army. He has always been an independent and confident person. But, when the Covid-19 pandemic struck, David needed our support more than ever.

As a vulnerable person, David was told to shield for 12 weeks which left him struggling to get appropriate food. He has two nieces who were a great help in delivering basic food but, with the supermarket shelves bare, they struggled to find celiac-friendly, gluten-free food. He has a food parcel delivery from his local Council, but there is not much that he can eat in it.

David called our helpline and told us that he was really struggling. Our team were able to help him contact the Council and ask for specific food items. We also put him in touch with a local café in which were able to deliver celiac free meals to David’s home.

He said: “Thanks to Deafblind UK, I am more confident and it’s always nice to have someone at the end of phone that you can have a chat to.” He added: “It’s a great organisation that provides you with support as when you require it. It’s reassuring knowing that Deafblind UK are there to represent you, and look after you, and give support to you when you need it. Thank you for all the phone calls and support you have given me.”

We are grateful to The Veterans’ Foundation for their generous support which helps us to provide services to veterans like David. For more information about The Veterans’ Foundation visit: David through the Pandemic Deafblind UK

Practical Support

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