Working together – Deafblind UK and Gino D’campo Restaurants

Zoe and Sophie

We have been working with Gino D’campo Restaurants in Leeds to help drive post-lockdown customers back to the venue whilst also raising awareness of Deafblind UK among the Leeds business community.

Together, Gino D’campo Restaurants and Deafblind UK will be hosting a series of events for Autumn 2021. Starting with a networking event for local corporates and a ‘Blind’ wine tasting that will be hosted by Gino’s friend and Head Sommelier, Giuseppe Bergonzi. We also have some plans for Christmas events too, which will be launched later in the year. This project will help Deafblind UK to connect with the wider community within cities to raise awareness and host some great events.

Sophie Beresford from Gino D’campo Restaurants said: “I connected with Zoe [from Deafblind UK] for the first time two weeks prior to the very first lockdown, and we were super excited to be able to host an event together at our restaurant. Then Covid hit and we had to constantly push the date back, as we did not know when things would start to get back to “normal”.

“When the roadmap was announced, I knew straight away I wanted to arrange an event with Zoe and Deafblind UK. There has been a lot of media coverage about how certain groups of people have suffered during the pandemic, but no mention of the people who are living with both sight and hearing loss, and it really struck me just how scary and isolating that must have been for them. I’m really looking forward to be able to help raise awareness of such a wonderful charity and to learn more about it on a personal level.”

Zoe Beattie from Deafblind UK said: “We are so excited to be working with Sophie and the Gino team to raise awareness of our cause whilst also helping to drive people back into the restaurants. The team have been so welcoming and we look forward to working with them later this year.”

Practical Support

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