Lily, Marketing Officer
Meet the fundraising team
Our fundraising team work tirelessly to raise money to support our vital work. We caught up with them to find out about their passions, experiences…and of course their favourite snacks!
Meet Rob, the Fundraising Development manager
When asked what drives his passion for the role he told us,
“This amazing organisation has been supporting people impacted by sight and hearing loss for nearly 100 years, and we’re a small charity with a national mission – to create a world where people who are deafblind can thrive, empowered by knowledge, support and equity. Our wonderful community raise the vital funds needed to ensure we can be there for everyone who needs us, wherever they are, and we support their boundless creativity and enthusiasm.”
When asked what drives his passion for the role he told us, “Fundraising for charitable organisations is my life’s passion. Working for an incredible cause like Deafblind UK and knowing that all my efforts and successes are leading to greater support for people in need is so fulfilling.”
Tell us a random fact about you…
“In 2014, I broke the world record for cycling across Europe (North to South), completely solo and unsupported. It was a journey of 3,605 miles and I completed it in 39 days 6 hours 52 minutes; beating the existing record by just 5 hours.”
Do you have a cool party trick?
“You know those old dance machines you see in arcades? Set me up on one of those and you’ll be shocked how fast someone’s legs can move!” (We’ll put this to the test at the Christmas Party!).
Have you done any fundraising?
“I’ve done lots, from organising quizzes and spinathons, to marathons and cycling from John o’Groats to Land’s End, while climbing the UK 3 peaks! During my world record cycle across Europe, I raised nearly £3,000 for two local charitable causes. After crossing the Pyrenees into Spain I was starving and pedalled into Pamplona ready to binge on fast food, only to find I entered the city centre on the festival of San Fermin! I decided to forego the idea of a burger before I was chased down by a rampaging bull!”
Okay Rob, tell us your top 3 snacks
“Gotta love a satsuma, thai sweet chilli Sensations, or some brie on crackers.”
Top bingable series?
“Probably something like The Last Kingdom or The Expanse.”
Ok, but you can only watch one thing for the rest of your life, what will it be?
“The YouTube show, Critical Role. It’s a bunch of professional voice actors who are real-life friends, goofing around and telling stories together over a tabletop game. Not to mention each episode is 3-4 hours long so there’s plenty to keep me going.”
Fave music artist?
“The Killers, Linkin Park and Blink 182”
Introducing Megan, Fundraiser
When we asked her why people should choose Deafblind UK to fundraise she told us that, “it is a fantastic charity and that the service delivery staff (who she is in awe of) go absolutely above and beyond for our deafblind members!”
Her passion for this role is driven by how “charities like ours do incredible things for people who need support across the world”, and she is “proud to be able to help contribute even a small part of that!”
Tell us a random fact about you.
“I am super obsessed with the colour pink, I’ve even had bright pink hair at one point!” (It’s giving Barbie, and we’re here for it!)
So, any cool party tricks Megan?
“Well, it’s not that cool but, I have a twin sister and we look quite alike, so it’s fun to pull pictures out!”
Have you ever done any fundraising?
“I joined a young volunteers network when I was 16 and fell in love with fundraising, especially chatting to others about their charitable work. I then achieved a degree based on fundraising and now I’m here, at Deafblind UK doing what I love!” (We love this Megan).
Ok, give us the tea, what are your top 3 snacks?
“Salted pretzels covered in chocolate (elite choice from Megan), Haribo peaches and coffee, it’s not really a snack but I love it too much not to include it!”
Ultimate binge series?
“Grey’s Anatomy and all the spin-offs! Just finished Station 19 and I’m obsessed!”
Meet Jackie, Community & Corporate Admin Officer
“Fundraising has a huge impact on our charity as we couldn’t exist without the continuing support of our incredible donors, fundraising events and corporate and community support.”
“Deafblindness presents unimaginable challenges. By choosing to fundraise for us, you could provide a lifeline for those experiencing extreme loneliness and isolation. With the number of people affected by deafblindness rising, any one of us could be affected in the future! There’s no better feeling knowing that the work we all do can literally change someone’s life!”
OK Jackie, give us an interesting fact about you
“I did ballroom and Latin dancing when I was much younger, I have medals to prove it!” (Right, it seems we have a whole dance crew on our hands, sounds like fundraising needs a dance-off).
Any cool party tricks Jackie?
“No, I’m very boring!” (Says the Northern Latin dancer!)
Have you ever done any fundraising yourself?
“In my previous fundraising role, we had an annual event that took place in the hospice grounds. Unfortunately, we had rented the field out to a local farmer who only moved his cows one week before the event. As a result, one of the worst tasks I had to do was clearing away cow pats. Not great, especially on a hot day!” (Now that is a story that we need a photo of).
Top 3 snacks?
“Jammy Dodgers, Milky Bar, Cadbury’s cream egg (roll on January when they come back into the shops!)” – We can feel the passion here!
What about your ultimate TV binge series?
“Can’t think of a series but I’d watch The Greatest Showman, Dirty Dancing and Grease on a loop!” (Clearly, Jackie was made for the stage in the West End).
Rob, Megan and Jackie are here to support you at every stage of your fundraising journey with us. Whether you’re planning a sponsored run, a bake sale, a skydive or anything in between, the team are on hand to give you support, advice and encouragement! Give them a call or drop them an email today!
To find all our fundraising and challenge events click here.
Alternatively, you can contact us on 0800 132 320 or click here.
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