Resources for schools

Thank you for using our ‘Lesson in a box’ materials. Here you can find links to additional external resources to complement our lesson notes. These resources have been provided by our valued partners who have kindly given us permission to share them with teachers.

General resources

What is deafblindness?

Deafblind Manual

Red and white canes

Classroom wins and accessible design hacks (coming soon)

Pupil passport

Key stage 2 evaluation tool – Kahoot 

Key stage 3 & 4 evaluation tool – Kahoot 

Links to additional resources referenced in:

Lesson in a box: Discovering Deafblindness
KS2 lesson notes and timings

Page 4 – Make your own sight filters

Page 5 – Online hearing loss tool 

Page 6 – Video: Using Lego to plan a climb – T-shirt Twins 

Page 6 – Video: Water bike litter picking – T-shirt Twins

Page 7 – Video: Pavement parking – Guide dog team milo

Page 7 – Story of a guide dog and a wheelie bin

Page 7 – Red and white canes

Page 7 – Deafblind Manual 

Page 9 – Tactile paving explained –

Page 10 – Identifying and using materials – BBC Bitesize

Page 10 – Properties of materials –

Page 10 – Plant growth cycles – 

Page 10 – Life cycle of a plant – Woodland Trust 

Page 11 – How we see – Twinkl

Page 11 – Label the eye – Twinkl

Page 11 – Parts of the ear – Twinkl

Page 11 – Labelling parts of the ear – Twinkl

Page 11 – How does our hearing work – Twinkl

Page 12 – Haben Girma biography –

Page 12 – Kevin Frost biography –

Links to additional resources referenced in:

Lesson in a box: Discovering Deafblindness
KS2 assembly notes 

Page 1 – Online hearing loss tool

Page 1 – Online sight loss tool 

Page 1 – Online sight and hearing loss tool 

Page 2 – YouTube – T-shirt Twins

Links to additional resources referenced in:

Lesson in a box: Discovering Deafblindness
KS3 & 4 lesson notes 

Biology – Labelled ear diagram 

Biology – Labelled eye diagram 

Biology – Ear diagram to label 

Biology – Ear diagram to label with hints 

Biology – Eye diagram to label 

Biology – Eye diagram to label with hints

Chemistry – How to build a microscale heater 

English – Fact files on well-known people who are deafblind


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Monday – Thursday 9.00am – 5.00pm and Fridays 9.00am – 4.00pm

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