Top 10 Autumn and Winter fundraising ideas

Two carved pumkpins on a wooden table

As Summer becomes a distant memory and – dare we say it – Christmas is on its way so, here are our top fundraising ideas for Autumn and Winter:

  1. Hold a pumpkin carving competition in the office for Halloween – charge an entry fee and offer a prize to the winner
  2. Halloween-themed dress down day – grab your spookiest outfit and pay a fee…maybe you could charge extra for those not willing to dress up
  3. Organise a themed bake off, for Halloween or the festive season – charge an entry fee, select a panel of judges and offer a prize to the winner
  4. Take one of our Football Fundraiser scratchcards to your work/pub/club/group – someone will win £25!
  5. Christmas jumper day – pay a fee to go to work in your most festive jumper. The uglier, the better!
  6. Wrap presents – if you’re great at wrapping, offer your services to friends or colleagues for a donation per item wrapped!
  7. Blindfolded wrapping challenge – looking for an ice-breaker activity at your Christmas meal or party? Why not try to wrap a present while blindfolded! It’s a bit of fun, but raises awareness of the challenges of losing one of your senses.
  8. Christmas quiz or raffle at work or your local pub – organise a quiz or raffle in the office or at your local, charge for tickets and ask local companies for donations as prizes
  9. Donate instead of sending Christmas cards – be environmentally friendly and help a charity this festive season by sending an e-card/text/message and donating the money you would have spent on cards to us!
  10. Nominate Deafblind UK as your company’s next Charity of the Year for 2020

Click here to order your Deafblind UK fundraising pack for more ideas and inspiration! 

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There are very few publications designed for this specific market and so Open Hand gives its readers valuable information that they may not otherwise have known and reminds readers about Deafblind UK’s support services.

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